Titanium white

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How Titanium white is made:

Origin: artificial Minerals anatase and rutile (at Mineralogy Database)

anatase (left) and rutile (right)
Artificial variety of pigment

Several industrial methods based on both minerals anatase and rutile.

The ore is chemically broken down with concentrated sulphuric acid. The result is a deposit of iron and titanium sulphate, which is then dissolved in water and boiled to result in the precipitation of the titanium as metatitanic acid and its separation from the iron. Barium carbonate is added to the precipitate to neutralize the acid after which it is calcined. Titanium oxide is usually manufactured with approximately 30% titanium oxide and 70% barium sulphate.

Illustration of the process:

Industrial manufacture of titanium white

Oven at Kronos Titan
Sample of titanium dioxide from the oven

The ground pigment:

Pile of ground Titanium white









