Relevant paintings:  "Lane in the Public Garden at Arles," Vincent van Gogh [Enlarge]
I am inclined to think that the letter Gauguin wrote you
throws a clear light on the question.
But I should not like to rely on the word of an artist of
his merit when he says: You will have to pay my travelling
expenses and my debts if you want me to come, for I myself have
not got any money. But on the other hand, if this is the case,
he ought to be very generous with his pictures. So that's that;
however, in any case there would have to be money - but then I
don't see much harm in the business. But those pictures, which
will be sold one day, may freeze the interest on the purchase
money invested for years to come. As a matter of fact, a
picture for which you pay 400 francs today, and which you sell
for 1000 francs after ten years, will still be sold at the
current price, as all that time nothing could be done with the
money. Well, you know this better than I.
I only want to stress the point that it appears to me that
if Gauguin deposited his pictures exclusively with you and
calmly awaited his hour, working with me here, and if he paid
us for our out-of-pocket expenses with his work, he would be
pursuing a policy that I would respect more than any other he
might adopt.
With regard to Bernard - if Bernard should want to come
here, it would not be on the same terms as Gauguin, at least so
it seems to me.
If living together should be to his advantage, nothing would
prevent your agreeing to buy something from him from time to
time, if it is possible. But no arrangement of any sort with
him, for he is too fickle.
If Gauguin should not come, he will succeed all the same,
but then he will not succeed by means of his combining, but
through the intrinsic merits of his canvases, if only he goes
on having the time, the money and the liberty necessary to
paint them - that's all. I assure you that under the present
circumstances I should not be a better businessman than you
are, so much is certain, and so much you know too, only I
should like to send you better pictures. This I endeavour to
do, and this I shall go on endeavouring to do. Very soon the
hour will come for me to resume my painting in the garden. It
is a tremendous advantage for me not to be short of canvases
and paints, and so it is my bounden duty to work on
indefatigably. If Gauguin should come, I think we might try to
make our colours at home; I dare not do it alone, for I am
afraid of getting discouraged if I do not succeed at once. I am
very curious to know what price Tanguy will ask for his tubes.
Did you read in the number of the Courrier Français you
sent me an article entitled “La trace bleue”? Very
good, it just makes one think of Segatori. No doubt you will
read this article with pleasure.
At this time, Vincent was 35 year oldSource: Vincent van Gogh. Letter to Theo van Gogh. Written c. 17 September 1888 in Arles. Translated by Mrs. Johanna van Gogh-Bonger, edited by Robert Harrison, number . URL:
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