van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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 14 letters relate to food-and-drink - diet...Excerpt length: shorter longer  
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(26 March 1889)
... good, and all of which are very curious. His courteous doctor, the house physician Rey, is of the opinion that, if he should lead a very methodical life, eating and drinking normally and at regular hours, there would be every chance that the terrible crises...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(22 May 1889)
... have another room for doing my work. The food is all right as far as it goes. It tastes a bit musty, of course, as in a cockroach-infested restaurant in Paris, or in a boarding-house. The poor wretches here, having absolutely nothing to do (not a book,...
Lettre de Vincent van Gogh à Theo van Gogh
(3 June 1890)
... dîner tous les dimanches ou lundis. Mais jusqu'à présent, si c'est agréable d'y faire un tableau, c'est une corvée pour moi d'y dîner et déjeuner, car l'excellent homme se donne du mal pour faire des dîners où...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(3 June 1890)
... ask me to dinner every Sunday or Monday. But till now, while it is pleasant to do a painting there, it is rather a burden for me to dine and lunch there, for the good soul takes the trouble to have 4 or 5 course dinners, which is as dreadful for him...

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