Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh (2 May 1889) ... matter what, painting included.
But the money painting costs crushes me with a feeling of
debt and worthlessness, and it would be a good thing if it were
possible that this should stop.
Besides, I have said once and for all, if at present... | Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh (22 August 1889) ... what it will mean for my painting.
I no longer see any possibility of having courage or
hope, but after all, it wasn't just yesterday that we found
this job of ours wasn't a cheerful one.
All the same I am pleased that you have got the package... | Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh (3 or 4 September 1889) ... I haven't had any luck here
Perhaps I exaggerate in the misery of my having been bowled
over by my illness again - but I am sort of afraid.
You will say - as I say to myself too - that the fault must
be within me and not in the circumstances... |
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Mr. and Mrs. Ginoux (30 or 31 December 1889) ... want to be completely recovered tomorrow.
I assure you that last year I almost hated the idea of
regaining my health - of only feeling somewhat better for a
shorter or longer time - always living in fear of relapses - I
almost hated the idea, I tell you -... | Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh (4 January 1890) ... some at the same time as this
For the moment I am overcome with discouragement, but since
this attack was over in a week, what's the use of thinking that
it may in fact come back again? First of all you do not know,
and cannot foresee, how or in... |