van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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Lettre de Vincent van Gogh à Theo van Gogh
(26-28 February 1888)
... si tu jugeras que la manoeuvre soit juste ? Voici, j'ai pensé moi qu'il fallait faire un effort de ce côté parce que nous tiendrons Reid par v Wisselingh, et v Wisselingh par Tersteeg. Et c'est ce que tu expliqueras à Tersteeg toi-même....
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(26-28 February 1888)
... of your own if you think it is a good move? You see, my idea was that we must try something in this direction, because we shall have a hold over Reid through v. Wisselingh, and over v. Wisselingh through Tersteeg. And this you will explain to Tersteeg yourself....
Lettre de Vincent van Gogh à Theo van Gogh
(c. 3 March 1888)
... en la mettant au net. Il me semble que ta lettre à Tersteeg complète la mienne, moi-même je regrettais l'état dans lequel je l'avais mise à la poste. Car tu te seras aperçu l'idée de faire prendre à Tersteeg l'initiative ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 3 March 1888)
... too much when you make the fair copy. It seems to me that your letter to Tersteeg complements mine, I regretted the state in which I posted it. For you will have seen that the idea of making Tersteeg take the initiative in introducing the impressionists...
Lettre de Vincent van Gogh à Theo van Gogh
(18 March 1888)
... par nous, il nous faut sa réponse. Tu sentiras comme moi que nous ne pouvons pas avancer sans être catégoriquement renseignés sur ses intentions. Si nous tenons comme désirable la création d'une exposition permanente des impressionnistes...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(18 March 1888)
... by us, he must give us an answer. Like myself you will feel that we cannot proceed without being categorically informed of his intentions. If we consider it desirable to hold a permanent exhibition of the impressionists in London and Marseilles, it goes...
Lettre de Vincent van Gogh à Theo van Gogh
(c. 2 April 1888)
... digne de la cause que nous plaidons. Voici donc un plan d’attaque qui nous coûtera quelques uns des meilleurs tableaux que nous ayons fabrique à nous deux valant certes desous blusieurs pillets [sic] de mille vrans: enfin en tout cas nous ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 2 April 1888)
... worthy of the cause we are pleading. Here is a plan of attack which will cost us several of the best pictures you and I have made between us, and certainly worth at least several 1000 franc notes 1 . In any case they cost us money and a good piece of...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(9 April 1888)
... right, that is the great thing. I must reach the point where my pictures will cover my expenses, and even more than that, taking into account how much was spent in the past. Well, it will come. I don't make a success of everything, I admit, but I'm...

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