van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 7 July 1888)
... they will be criticized as hasty. I know also that I hope to stick to my argument of this winter, when we were talking about an association of artists. Not that I still have any great desire for it or hope to realize it, but as it was seriously thought out, it is our duty to go on taking it seriously and to retain the right to come back to the question. If Gauguin won't come to work with me, then I have no other means than my work to set against my expenses. This prospect is only moderately alarming. If my health does not betray me, I shall polish off my canvases, and there will be some that will do among them. I am almost reconciled to the orchard , the one not on stretchers, and its pendant with the stippling . They may pass muster in the crowd. But I have less trouble working in the full heat than I did in the spring. I shall soon send you some rolled-up canvases, and the others one by one, as it becomes possible to roll them. I should very much...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Emile Bernard
(c. 17 July 1888)
... colour and the logical composition. My dear friend Bernard, by collaboration I did not mean to say that I think two or more painters would have to work on the same pictures. What I was driving at was paintings that differ from one another yet go together and complement one another. Just take the Italian primitives or the German primitives or the Dutch school or the real Italians, in short, take the whole of the art of painting! Whether they want it or not, their work forms a “group,” a “series.” Well, now, at present the impressionists also form a group, despite all their disastrous civil wars, in which both sides have been trying to get at each other's throats with a dedication they would have done better to reserve for other ends. In our northern school, you have Rembrandt, who heads that school because his influence may be seen in anyone who comes to know him more closely. Thus we find Paulus Potter painting rutting...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 13 August 1888)
... handshake. Ever yours, Vincent With regard to Gauguin, however much we appreciate him, I think that we must behave like the mother of a family and calculate the actual expenses. If one listened to him, one would go on hoping for something vague in the future, and meantime stay on at the inn, and go on living in a hell with no way out. I would rather shut myself up in a cloister like the monks, free as the monks are to go to the brothel or the wine shop if the spirit moves us. But for our work we need a home. Altogether Gauguin leaves me quite in the dark about Pont-Aven; he tacitly accepts my suggestion of coming to him if necessary, but he writes nothing about any means of finding a studio of our own, or about what it would cost to furnish it. And I can't help feeling there's something queer about it. So I have decided not to go to Pont-Aven, unless we could find a house there at a low rent like the one here (15 fr. per month is what mine costs) and could arrange...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 18 August 1888)
... and the 100-fr. note enclosed. And it's very good of you to promise the two of us, Gauguin and me, that you'll put us in the way to carrying out our combination. I have just had a letter from Bernard, who went some days ago to join Gauguin, Laval and somebody else at Pont-Aven. It was a very decent letter, but not one syllable in it about Gauguin intending to join me, and not a syllable either about wanting me to come there. All the same it was a very friendly letter. From Gauguin himself not a word for almost a month. I myself think that Gauguin would rather try to fight his way through with his friends in the North, and if by good luck he sells one or more pictures, he may have other plans for himself than coming to join me. But haven't I, with less desire than he for the struggle in Paris, the right to go my own way? Look here. As soon as you can, would you, not give, but lend me 300 francs in one lump sum for a year? Then, if I take it that at present...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(3 September 1888)
... at the bullfight and outside the town. We talked more seriously about the plan, that if I keep a place in the south, he ought to set up a sort of post among the collieries. Then Gauguin and I and he, if the importance of a picture made it worth the journey, could change places - and so be sometimes in the north, but in familiar country with a friend in it, and sometimes in the south. You will soon see him, this young man with the look of Dante, because he is going to Paris, and if you put him up - if the room is free - you will be doing him a good turn; he is very distinguished in appearance, and will become so, I think, in his painting. He likes Delacroix, and we talked a lot about Delacroix yesterday. He even knew the violent study for the “Bark of Christ.” Well, thanks to him I have at last a first sketch of that picture which I have dreamt of for so long - the poet . He posed for me. His line head with that keen gaze stands out in my portrait against...

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