van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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 28 letters relate to lifestyle - clothing or contain ...Excerpt length: shorter longer  
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(5 or 6 August 1882)
... and had to be replaced by a stronger one. I bought a pair of strong and warm trousers, and as I had bought a pair of strong shoes just before you came, I am now prepared to weather the storm and rain. It is my decided aim to learn from this painting of landscape a few things about technique which I feel I need for the figure, namely to express different materials, and the tone and the colour. In one word, to express the bulk - the body - of things. Through your coming it became possible to me, but before you came there was not a day when I did not think in this way about it, only I should have had to keep exclusively to black and white and to the outline a little longer. - But now I have launched my boat. Adieu, boy, once more, a hearty handshake and believe me, Yours, Vincent ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(17 August 1883)
... matter when you left, I'll drop it. Indeed, I am thinking of what you said and of what I wrote you about my clothes; I am not reluctant, and think you are perfectly right when you say that if I ever went to see Herkomer, or others, they would notice my appearance - but I know that myself without your saying so. Further, what you said about Father - now there has been occasion to write more often to him than usual, and you will read the letter yourself. And so it is with everything. In short, when I give an opinion about persons, circumstances, a society in which I do not move, you may understand that I do not always speak justly, but let my imagination roam without regard to reality, and that I see things in a very fantastic way, just as things may appear strange when seen against the light. You who are nearer to them do not understand how it is possible for them to appear this way, seen it at a distance and from behind. And even if I should see things quite incorrectly, ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(20 or 21 August 1883)
... it puts me out rather than helps me. As for my clothes, dear brother, I put on what was given me, without wanting more, without asking for more. I have worn clothes I got from Father and from you, which sometimes do not fit me the way they ought to because of the difference in our sizes. If you will drop the matter of defects in my attire, I shall remain content with what I have, and even be grateful for little, though of course later I hope to remind you of it and say, “Theo, do you remember the time when I walked about in a long clergyman's coat of Father's?” etc. It seems to me that it is infinitely better to take things as they are now, and laugh over them later, when we have made our way, rather than quarrel about them now. For the moment I have the suit you brought for me to wear when I go out, and more things that are still quite presentable. But you must excuse my not putting them on in the studio or when I work out-of-doors - it would be spoiling...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 24 April 1888)
... there, like the series of orchards in bloom here. Also, I have bought three strong linen shirts and two pairs of stout shoes with the idea of moving.
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(c. 3 May 1888)
... or not. Consequently there is nothing urgent. But if it's all the same to you, send me 100 francs next time anyway, as I want to get some drawers made, just as I have had the shirts and shoes, and must send almost all my clothes to be cleaned and mended. Then they will be quite all right again. This is urgent in case I have to go to Marseilles or see people here. The more precautions we take now, the surer we are of being able to hold out in the long run, and of getting the work under control. I have got ten canvases that I'm looking for a case for, and I'll send them one of these days. A handshake for you, and Koning too. I got a postcard from Koning saying that he had had a letter telling him to take back the pictures from the Independents' show. Naturally it was the only thing to do, and what could I do about it? Ever yours, Vincent ...

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