van Gogh's letters - unabridged and annotated
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Letter from Theo van Gogh to Vincent van Gogh
(22 January 1890)
Letter T25 Paris, 22 January 1890 My dear Vincent, I felt greatly reassured after hearing that you are feeling well, and that the trip to Arles was accomplished without bad consequences. I have various things to tell you, which will probably please you. In the first place Lauzet came here again to see your new canvases, and after he had seen some pictures he exclaimed, “This is the genuine character of the Provence.” He who is a native of those parts knows the country, and abhors the sugary things the Montenards and the others bring back from it. For the rest you will be able to talk with him yourself, for last Saturday he went to Marseilles for two weeks, and on his return he will do his utmost to drop in on you. When you see him you will be so kind as to tell him that I have another subscription for his work Monticelli, Impressions of an Artist - he will be glad to hear it. Not long ago he was at our house in the evening, and we looked through the work on Alb. Dürer's Etchings by d'Amand-Durand together. ...
Lettre de Vincent van Gogh à Theo van Gogh
(20 May 1890)
Mon cher Theo et chère Jo, Après avoir fait connaissance avec Jo, il me sera désormais difficile d'écrire à Theo seul, mais Jo me permettra, j'espère, d'écrire en français, parce que, après deux ans dans le Midi, réellement je crois ainsi faisant mieux vous dire ce que j'ai à dire. Auvers est bien beau, beaucoup de vieux chaumes entre autres, ce qui devient rare.J'espérerais donc qu'en faisant quelques toiles de cela bien sérieusement, il y aurait une chance de rentrer dans les frais du séjour - car réellement c'est gravement beau, c'est de la pleine campagne caractéristique et pittoresque. J'ai vu M. le Dr Gachet, qui a fait sur moi l'impression d'être assez excentrique, mais son expérience de docteur doit le tenir lui-même en équilibre en combattant le mal nerveux, duquel certes il me paraît attaqué au moins aussi gravement que moi. Il m'a piloté dans une auberge où l'on demandait 6 francs par jour. De mon ...
Letter from Vincent van Gogh to Theo van Gogh
(20 May 1890)
My dear Theo and dear Jo, After having made Jo's acquaintance, henceforth it will be difficult for me to write only to Theo, but Jo will allow me, I hope, to write in French, because after two years in the Midi, I really think that I shall say what I have to say more clearly this way. Auvers is quite beautiful, among other things a lot of old thatched roofs, which are getting rare. So I should hope that by settling down to do some canvases of this there would be a chance of recovering the expenses of my stay - for really it is profoundly beautiful, it is the real country, characteristic and picturesque. I have seen Dr. Gachet, who made the impression on me of being rather eccentric, but his experience as a doctor must keep him balanced while fighting the nervous trouble from which he certainly seems to me to be suffering at least as seriously as I. He piloted me to an inn where they asked 6 francs a day. All by myself I found one where I will pay 3.50 fr. a day. And until further notice I think I will stay there. When I ...

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